ABG= Arterial Blood Gas
AGE = Acute Gastro Enteritis
AKA= Above Knee Amputation
ATP= Acute Transilo Pharyngitis
AC = Anti Cebum (before meals)
ARF = Acute Reanal Failure
ADH= Anti Diuretic Hormone
APC= Anti Partial Consultation
ACI= Actual Level of Inclusion
ASAP= As Soon Aa Prepared
AROD= Anesthesia Residence On Duty
BID= twice a day
BAIAE= Bronchial Asthma In Acute Exacerbation
BKA= Below Knee Amputation
BPH= Benign Prostatic Hyperplaxia
BS= Bowel Sound
BSB= Bed Side Bottle
BT= Blood Transfusion or Body Temperature
CBR s BRP= Complete Bed Rest without Bath Room Previleges
CHF= Congested Heart Failure
CVP= Central Venous Pressue
CMAR= Computerized Medication Administration Record
CAL= Chronic Airflow Limitation
CPD= Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion
CAD= Coronary Artery Disease
CBC= Complete Blood Count
CxR= Chest x-Ray
CBG= Capillary Blood Glucose
CARI= Community Acquired Respiratory Infection
CAP= Community Acquired Pneumonia
CHD= Coronary Heart Disease
CTT= Closed Tube Thoracostomy
CPT= Chest Physio Therapy
CPE= Cardio Pulmonary Evaluation
CW= Closed Watch
CB= Cash Basis
DOB= Difficulty of Breathing
DAT c SAP= Diet as Tolerated with Strict Aspiration Precaution
DAMA= Discharge Against Medical Advice
DHE= Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
DHN= Dehydration
DMPA= Depot Medroxy Progesterone Acetate
DNR= Do not Resucitate
DOA= Dead on Arrival
DYOA= Dying on Arrival
ET= Endotrachial Tube
ECCE= Extra Capsular Cataract Extraction
EDD= Estimated Date of Delivery
ECG= Electro Cardio Gram
EDBE= Encourage Deep Breathing Exercise
FA= Fecal Analysis
FBS= Fasting Blood Sugar
FD= Full Diet
GERD= Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease
HPN= Hypertension
HCVD= Hypertensive Cardio Vascular Disease
HgT= Hemogluco Test
HS= Hours of sleep at Night at Bedtime
HAMA= Home Against Medical Advice
HPL= Human Placenta LActogen
HCB= Hospi Care Bag
HBR= High Back Rest
Hx= History
IVF= Intra Venus Fluid
ICH= Intra Cerebral (cranial) Hemorrhage
ICP= Intra Cranial Pressure
IFC= Indwelling Folly Catheter
IVP= Intra Venous Pyrelography
JI= Junior Intern
JIIC= Junior Intern In Charge
LGA= Large for Gestational Age
LOC= Level of Consciousness
LMP= Last Menstrual Period
MGH= May Go Home
MB= Mechanical Bed
MAP= Mean Arterial Pressure
MRM= Modified Radical Mastectomy
MROD= Medical Resident on Duty
NPI= Nurse Patient Interaction
NPO= Nothing per Orem or nothing by mouth
NPH= Neutral Protamine Hagedorn
NGT= Naso Gastric Tube
NST= non Stress Test
NOD= Nurse on Duty
OD= once a day, Right eye
OU= Both eye
OS= Left eye
ORIF= Open Reduction Internal Fixation
POMR= Patient Oriented Medical Record
PICC= Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter
PPU= Perforated Peptic Ulcer
PUD= Peptic Ulcer Disease
PT= Pronthrombine Time
PTT= Partial Thromboplastin Time
PRN= Pro Nata (as needed)
PTA= Prior to Admission
Pt= patient
PCA= Patient Controlled Analgesia
PC= Post Cebum ( After meals)
PROM= Premature Rupture of the Membrane
PID= Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
QID= four times a day
Q1= Every one hour
Q4= every four hours
RAEF= Roger Anderson External Fixator
RBS= Random Blood Sugar
ROD= Resident on Duty
SGA= Small Gestational Age
SGPT= Serum Glutamic Pyrobic Transaminase
SGOT= Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic transaminase
SROD= Surgical Resident On Duty
stat= immediately
TPN= Total Parenteral Nutrition
TURP= Transurethral Resection of the Prostate
TIA= Transcient Ischemic Attack
TAHBSO= Total Abdomenal Hysterectomy (uterus) Bilateral Salphyngectomy (
fallopian tube) and Oopheroctomy (ovary)
TID= three times a day
TIV= Through Intra Venus
UA= Urine Analysis
UTZ= Ultra Sound
VA= Vehicular Accident
r/o= rule out
t/c= to consider or to consume
s/p= status pose
d/c= discontinue