ARDS= Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
ABG= Arterial Blood Gas
AGE = Acute Gastro Enteritis
AKA= Above Knee Amputation
ATP= Acute Transilo Pharyngitis
AC = Anti Cebum (before meals)
ARF = Acute Reanal Failure
ADH= Anti Diuretic Hormone
APC= Anti Partial Consultation
ACI= Actual Level of Inclusion
ASAP= As Soon Aa Prepared
AROD= Anesthesia Residence On Duty
BID= twice a day
BAIAE= Bronchial Asthma In Acute Exacerbation
BKA= Below Knee Amputation
BPH= Benign Prostatic Hyperplaxia
BS= Bowel Sound
BSB= Bed Side Bottle
BT= Blood Transfusion or Body Temperature
CBR s BRP= Complete Bed Rest without Bath Room Previleges
CHF= Congested Heart Failure
CVP= Central Venous Pressue
CMAR= Computerized Medication Administration Record
CAL= Chronic Airflow Limitation
CPD= Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion
CAD= Coronary Artery Disease
CBC= Complete Blood Count
CxR= Chest x-Ray
CBG= Capillary Blood Glucose
CARI= Community Acquired Respiratory Infection
CAP= Community Acquired Pneumonia
CHD= Coronary Heart Disease
CTT= Closed Tube Thoracostomy
CPT= Chest Physio Therapy
CPE= Cardio Pulmonary Evaluation
CW= Closed Watch
CB= Cash Basis
DOB= Difficulty of Breathing
DAT c SAP= Diet as Tolerated with Strict Aspiration Precaution
DAMA= Discharge Against Medical Advice
DHE= Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
DHN= Dehydration
DMPA= Depot Medroxy Progesterone Acetate
DNR= Do not Resucitate
DOA= Dead on Arrival
DYOA= Dying on Arrival
ET= Endotrachial Tube
ECCE= Extra Capsular Cataract Extraction
EDD= Estimated Date of Delivery
ECG= Electro Cardio Gram
EDBE= Encourage Deep Breathing Exercise
FA= Fecal Analysis
FBS= Fasting Blood Sugar
FD= Full Diet
GERD= Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease
HPN= Hypertension
HCVD= Hypertensive Cardio Vascular Disease
HgT= Hemogluco Test
HS= Hours of sleep at Night at Bedtime
HAMA= Home Against Medical Advice
HPL= Human Placenta LActogen
HCB= Hospi Care Bag
HBR= High Back Rest
Hx= History
IVF= Intra Venus Fluid
ICH= Intra Cerebral (cranial) Hemorrhage
ICP= Intra Cranial Pressure
IFC= Indwelling Folly Catheter
IVP= Intra Venous Pyrelography
JI= Junior Intern
JIIC= Junior Intern In Charge
LGA= Large for Gestational Age
LOC= Level of Consciousness
LMP= Last Menstrual Period
MGH= May Go Home
MB= Mechanical Bed
MAP= Mean Arterial Pressure
MRM= Modified Radical Mastectomy
MROD= Medical Resident on Duty
NPI= Nurse Patient Interaction
NPO= Nothing per Orem or nothing by mouth
NPH= Neutral Protamine Hagedorn
NGT= Naso Gastric Tube
NST= non Stress Test
NOD= Nurse on Duty
OD= once a day, Right eye
OU= Both eye
OS= Left eye
ORIF= Open Reduction Internal Fixation
POMR= Patient Oriented Medical Record
PICC= Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter
PPU= Perforated Peptic Ulcer
PUD= Peptic Ulcer Disease
PT= Pronthrombine Time
PTT= Partial Thromboplastin Time
PRN= Pro Nata (as needed)
PTA= Prior to Admission
Pt= patient
PCA= Patient Controlled Analgesia
PC= Post Cebum ( After meals)
PROM= Premature Rupture of the Membrane
PID= Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
QID= four times a day
Q1= Every one hour
Q4= every four hours
RAEF= Roger Anderson External Fixator
RBS= Random Blood Sugar
ROD= Resident on Duty
SGA= Small Gestational Age
SGPT= Serum Glutamic Pyrobic Transaminase
SGOT= Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic transaminase
SROD= Surgical Resident On Duty
stat= immediately
TPN= Total Parenteral Nutrition
TURP= Transurethral Resection of the Prostate
TIA= Transcient Ischemic Attack
TAHBSO= Total Abdomenal Hysterectomy (uterus) Bilateral Salphyngectomy (
fallopian tube) and Oopheroctomy (ovary)
TID= three times a day
TIV= Through Intra Venus
UA= Urine Analysis
UTZ= Ultra Sound
VA= Vehicular Accident
r/o= rule out
t/c= to consider or to consume
s/p= status pose
d/c= discontinue
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Medical Abbreviation List - Medical abbreviations are shortened forms of medical terms or phrases used by healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. These abbreviations are often used in medical records, prescriptions, lab reports, and other medical documents to save time and space. While medical abbreviations can be convenient, they can also be confusing and even dangerous if they are misinterpreted or misunderstood. It's important for healthcare professionals to use standardized medical abbreviations and for patients to ask their healthcare provider to clarify any abbreviations they don't understand.
PRN Medical Abbreviation
PRN Medical Abbreviation
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